Fresh Ginger For Migraine Relief? Studies Say...Yes!

Author: Willie Jones

It has been long known by many that ginger is excellent at soothing an irritated stomach and works well to alleviate motion sickness but according to a study done at the Odense University in Denmark, researchers discovered that ginger works the same way that aspirin does by blocking prostaglandins (A chemical that causes inflammation in the blood vessels of the brain). It reduces the stickiness of blood (platelet aggregation).

At the beginning signs of a migraine, taking a ½ to 1 tsp of ginger in warm or room temperature water, can greatly reduce or even eliminate the pain. It has a strong peppery taste but is not intolerable. For those that are allergic to aspirin or who don't want to take drugs for every little pain, ginger may be able to help you.

Other benefits of ginger are;

- it stimulates the digestive system and can move undigested food and gas through the intestines (this is good news for seniors because they often have digestive difficulties that make them feel sluggish and tired).
- Japanese studies have indicated that ginger works very well for reducing the pain of rheumatoid and osteoarthritis.
- can help in the healing of stomach ulcers.
- can aid in reducing nausea, particularly helpful for chemotherapy patients.
- reduces platelets in blood vessels and thins the blood to reduce the chances of having a stroke or heart attack.
- helps to sooth menstrual cramps.
- Is very helpful in minimizing the effects of colds or the flu

If you are not familiar with how to buy fresh ginger at your supermarket, look for a firm root that does not have any discoloration in the flesh. If you see browning in the flesh or cracks and splits, then it is on its way out. It is interesting to note that the ginger you buy in most supermarkets has a dry brown skin that is hard to peel. Fresh ginger just pulled out of the ground does not have dry skin at all and is very easy to peel, but, it's difficult to find that kind of freshness at any grocery store.

Fresh ginger is best, but powdered will work if that is all you have on hand. To keep fresh ginger readily available, one of my favorite chefs had a great tip. Peel off the skin of firm fresh ginger, place it in a freezer bag and freeze, and it will be ready to grate anytime you need it. Frozen ginger is also much easier to grate than fresh.

There are many great recipes but here are a couple of simple ones to start with, especially if you are trying to stave off a headache or quell nausea etc.

Recipe for ginger tea;

Add one oz of grated fresh ginger (or 1 tsp of ground) to 1 cup of boiling water and steep for 5 to 6 mins, then strain. Add the juice of ½ a lemon and 2 tsps of Blue Agave (A low glycemic syrup) or sweetener of your choice. Enjoy!

Quick and easy homemade ginger ale;

Place ½ tsp of ginger and 2 tsps of Blue Agave (or sweetener of your choice) in a glass. Slowly add carbonated water to ¾ of a glass. Add lemon juice and stir. Enjoy! Note: make this only when you are going to drink it right away because ginger will reduce the carbonation level of the water.

There are many recipes online if you want to incorporate ginger into your diet on a regular basis. Find out what you and your family like and enjoy!

About the Author:
Willie is a freelance writer and researcher whose own health problems prompted her to search for as much information on health as possible and share that knowledge with others. She's co-owner of a site that focuses on health and detox through an ionic foot bath.

Article Source: - Fresh Ginger For Migraine Relief? Studies Say...Yes!

3:16 AM
Posted by haasil

AOK igood - Mini touch massager is the revolution of plaster. It is the smart plaster who can do acupuncture human automatically.

1. Tourmaline pad: Easy to stick on/take off. Without odd smell remain on skin after use it, unlike using other plaster or oil causing great odd smell making everyone knows you are sick. Tourmaline powder in it, effective in killing bacteria and fungi, wipes out fungus, enhances and maintains freshness, improves homeostasis Indication.

2. Can be used for 180 times. It is less than US$0.1 per time.
3. Can be used at any time, without winding wire, you can use it when playing games, typing computer, working, by bus or walking any time.
4. Without odd smell remain on skin. Unlike using other plaster or oil causing great odd smell making everyone knows you are sick.
5. Can make muscles relax and eliminate fatigue even the user without any pain.
6. Can relieve the pain from periarthritis, arthritis and bone hyperplasia. And, prevent pain recurrent if patients use it for a longer period.

Product details

Congratulations on choosing to become Healthy and Pain Free for life!

1. What is AOK Mini Touch Massager?

AOK Mini touch massager is a portable Acu-Therapy Massager that combines the benefits of modern Western technology with ancient Asian Acupuncture theory by massage, acupuncture and low frequency impulses to get the pain relief. Like the electronic muscle stimulators used by Chiropractors, this Massager sends low frequency impulses to stimulate and tone muscles, improve circulation and provide completely natural pain relief in muscles and joints.

Do You Suffer From Arthritis, Chronic Pain or tension? Get Completely Natural Pain Relief from a portable electronic device that's both safe and simple to use. The AOK Mini Touch massager has been recommended by Chiropractors, Massage Therapists, Physicians and Registered Nurses world-wide. Thousands of pain-free customers swear by the AOK Touch. Because the various settings of the AOK Massager emulate the same techniques used by massage therapists, you can now get all the benefits of a deep tissue massage right in the comfort of your home. In addition, you'll enjoy the most deep and restful sleep that you've had in a long time.

Fast, Simple and Effective. Incredibly easy to use, just place the pads on the effected area, such as neck, shoulder, waist, legs and joints. After few minutes of use, you will notice an Immediate Reduction in Pain.

Tourmaline pad: Easy to stick on/take off. Without odd smell remain on skin after use it, unlike using other plaster or oil causing great odd smell making everyone knows you are sick. Tourmaline powder in it, effective in killing bacteria and fungi, wipes out fungus, enhances and maintains freshness, improves homeostasis Indication.

2. AOK Mini Touch Massager Features and Advantages

Health Benefits:

Relieves Aches and Pains Stress Release

Eliminates Stress and Tension Tones and Strengthens Muscles

Improves Blood Circulation Improves Posture

Reduces Inflammation Increases Range of Motion

Ease Arthritis Relieves Sore Muscles

A.Pressed for time? Keep the AOK Touch in your shirt pocket and use it throughout the day - at work, watching TV or reading in bed. This portable massager is so lightweight that you can use it practically anywhere. Relax muscles while traveling on an airplane, reduce stress at the office, limber up your muscles before running or relieve aches and pains after sports activities.

B.Use it as often as you like. The freedom from pain, stiffness or sore muscles will last longer with every treatment. Gradually you will be able to reduce the number of treatments to as little as once or twice a week in order to stay pain free. At some point, as you feel less of a need for pain medication, you may stop taking pain pills entirely.

C.How It Works: The low frequency generated and controlled by microcomputer can modulate pulse and electromagnetic field in slight vibration to simulate and let the Nano herb extract penetrate 10 times faster than the traditional pad. This massager Stimulates Muscles to Promote Blood Circulation. Your body requires proper blood circulation in order to heal itself. Like the transcutaneous nerve stimulators used by chiropractors, the AOK massager sends electronic impulses through electrodes attached to the body to stimulate the flow of blood. The blood carries oxygen which nourishes and rejuvenates your cells and washes away lactic acid. This helps to relieve stressful body aches and pains.

A Completely Natural, Drug-Free Method of Pain Relief In many cases prescription drugs do not heal the body. Instead, they mask problems or create new ones. In addition, there is usually a long list of potential side-effects for any prescription drug. Sometimes the side-effects of 2 or more drugs interacting with each other may create bigger problems. You owe it to yourself to try the Rhythm Touch if medications are not working for you. Let your body heal itself naturally.

D.Outstanding Features:

AOK Mini touch massager is the revolution of plaster. It is the smart plaster who can do acupuncture human automatically.

*. Get high concentrated herbs. It is 20 times higher other plaster.
*. Can be used for 180 times. It is less than US$0.1 per time.
*. Can be used at any time, without winding wire, you can use it when playing games, typing
computer, working, by bus or walking any time.
*. Without odd smell remain on skin. Unlike using other plaster or oil causing great odd smell making everyone knows you are sick.
*. Can make muscles relax and eliminate fatigue even the user without any pain.
*. Can relieve the pain from periarthritis, arthritis and bone hyperplasia. And, prevent pain recurrent if patients use it for a longer period.

3. User’s Manual

Components: Acupuncture physiotherapy apparatus, plaster and button battery.

How to use

1) Take out the physiotherapy apparatus and pad, Open the battery lid on the back of the apparatus and insert the battery. (Please check the positive and negative pole)
2) Buckle the buttons of pad to the female button on the apparatus.
3) Peel the pad from the protective pad and stick it on the appropriate acupuncture points. (Clean the area before using)
4) Press the “ON/OFF” button, and the LCD will indicate normal display with the intensity at its

5) Press “+” or “-” to increase or decrease the intensity and adjust it to be suitable and comfortable level. Remember the intensity level for easy reference.
6) After 20 minutes usage, the power will shut off automatically. If you want to shut off when using just put “ON/OFF” button.
7) Peel the apparatus from the skin; Stick the protective pad to the plaster to be ready for using next time.


1) If the pad’s performance degrades, please clean it with water (Be sure it is dry when using) or change it.
2) You can buy individual pad from a dealer.
Battery is a household item and can be purchased from a store counter.
4) Please clean your skin first when using in arid climate.

Technical data:

1) Automatic time control: 20 minutes(±5%)
2) Weight: about
3) Width of pulse: 400μs(±20%)
4) Function
8 modes of adjustable levels of intensity; 32 simulation waves
5) Power Source: 3v Li-battery (CR2025)
Battery Life: 2 months (20 minutes per day)
7) Wave range:2-40Hz(±15%)

Care and maintenance

1) Peel the apparatus off the body gently. Do not pull it forcibly.
2) Place the protective piece on the pad promptly.
3) Do not clean the pad with organic solvent such as alcohol.
4) Keep the product away from moisture, high-temperature, and sunlight and avoid hard knocks.
5) Take out the battery if you do not intend to use it for a long time.
6) Do not disassemble or repair it yourself.

Caution: Important Information

In order to avoid personal injury or damage to the product, please read this user manual carefully.
Please seek the doctor’s advice if you have one of the following conditions:
1) Suffering from infectious or acute diseases.
2) Being a heart disease patient or using a pacemaker.
3) Have high fever. (above
4) Have malignant tumor or anemia, or is pregnant woman.
5) Application area is a wound or has pricking feel when the plaster is loose. Please check before using.
6) Do not apply apparatus on the heart, head, face, mouth, pudendum or any sensitive nerve ending.

7) Keep out of reach of children.

Trouble Shooting Guide


Possible cause


Can’t Switch on

Something unusual
is in the battery compartment

Check and clear foreign objects

Battery is dead or installed incorrectly.

Change battery or install correctly

Battery contacts are loose.

Adjust the contacts with a suitable tool

Very weak or no pulse

The plaster surface is dirty

Clean with wet finger

Don’t stick properly

Stick it tightly

Intensity is not enough

Adjust to suitable intensity

Battery is low

Change battery

Pulse weakens or disappears during use

Battery is dead

Change battery

Power off automatically after 20 minutes

Power on again

weakens or disappears after increasing intensity

The skin is dirty

Clean the area you want to apply with water

Application area is incorrect

Stick on the correct acupuncture point

Battery is low

Change battery

The skin turns red or
feelings as pins and needles

The application period is too long or usage is too frequent

Shorten the time or reduce the intensity

Allergic to plaster

Examine your skin for signs of allergy; shorten the usage period for mild allergy; serious allergy, stop using and seek treatment for allergy

Plaster loosen

Stick tightly to skin

The surface of plaster is dirty

Clean the surface with wet finger

Plaster surface is damaged or adhesion performance degrades

Change plasters

Important Note

1) Button battery can be replaced when it run out.

2) Pad should be replaced when it is used for 3 months or about 180 times

3) Apparatus usually can be used for about 2 years under proper use.

3:12 AM

Instant pain relief

Posted by haasil

Do You Suffer From Arthritis, Chronic Pain or tension? Get Completely Natural Pain Relief from a portable electronic device(without winding wire) thats both safe and simple to use.—igood is your intimate and professional self doctor, you can relax muscles anytime (at work, watching TV..),anywhere (traveling on the airplane, office…)

What is igood(AOK Mini Touch Massager)?

igood is a portable Acu-Therapy Massager that combines the benefits of modern Western technology with ancient Asian Acupuncture theory by massage, acupuncture and low frequency impulses to get the pain relief. Like the electronic muscle stimulators used by Chiropractors, this Massager sends low frequency impulses to stimulate and tone muscles, improve circulation and provide completely natural pain relief in muscles and joints.